The Journey of one Million Stitches begins with a single X. With apologies to Confucius, of course. I merely seek to explain my blog-title of choice.
Egads! That ‘B’ word. Wasn’t going to do it, wasn’t going to do it, wasn’t going to do it. I’m somewhat of a luddite, really, for an aspiring geek! It’s a introvert thing. I’m happy to be all over the Web and all its greatness, in blissful anonymity, but when it comes to putting any of my Self out there, I hesitate. But finally the allure of CSS drew me in (Templates… beautiful lovely templates!) Oh, and the blog crowd (ok, ok, blogosphere) got so big that I can hide in here now without drawing attention to myself!
So here I am. Don’t expect much for a while. Exams beckon (which is of course why I’ve developed a new time-waster in the first place!)
Oh, and the Million Stitches thing? I wish. Haven’t had so much time as to do one Hundred Stitches lately, sadly. I live in hope.
Author’s Note: the original name of this blog, referenced by this post, was ‘Million Stitches’. It has (obviously) since been changed.