DIY-Hair (Again) and Other News

Well. OtherHalf took one look at this morning’s photograph while he was at work. And said “it doesn’t look much different”. So, me being me, I went back for more diy-haircutting happiness 😯 He arrived home a short time ago, and agrees it is now “much different”. An absence of disaster at the back of my head has been confirmed, and so I’ll try and get another stunned mullet photograph tomorrow (post nasty-deadline).

In other news, the mailman arrived today bearing gifts for all. For me, another RAK! A big hug for Kelly, who sent me Sweetheart Tree’s Whispers in the Pines – gorgeous. I am overwhelmed (again) by the generosity of strangers. I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve it, but it makes me happy. Thank you Kelly 🙂

For OtherHalf and I both, new credit cards. With a scary upper limit. Let’s just say I could have a spectacular fall from the wagon with this little bit of plastic. As we had no say in what limit was given to us when we applied, we’re somewhat taken aback, and have every intention of requesting a lower limit. It scares me that credit is handed out with such reckless abandon. People with less sense than us could get into serious trouble. (Though I must say, we had a few moments of fantasy, dreaming about the kick-ass home theatre system we could set up!)

For Finn – and this is bizarre – a chain letter. You remember those – the snail mail equivalent of “Forward this to 496 friends or have bad luck the rest of your life” email. Only this is the 3-year-old equivalent. “Send one sheet of stickers to the person at the top of the list, give a copy of this letter to 6 friends, and within 2 weeks you’ll receive 36 sheets of stickers”. Y’what?

Finn was excited to receive mail with his name on it, but I have no intention of participating in the craziness. I might post some stickers to my friend’s little boy with a “thanks, but please don’t do that again” note attached, and buy some stickers for Finn as well (his bestest thing, don’tcha know!) A chain letter! For 3-year-olds! Now I’ve seen everything.

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