… is missing no more. (If you’re thinking ‘what the heck…?’, see tomorrow’s post 🙂 )
This is a ‘what I did on the weekend’ sorta post. What I did this weekend was… I wondered when we became ‘those people’. You know who I’m talking about. Those people who spend their weekend shopping for furniture, and who drop into Bunnings for two things and come out with a trolleyfull (for those in the US, I think Bunnings = Home Depot); those people who spend their weekend tiling the kitchen and planting the vegetable garden. I tell you what, weekends got a whole lot more expensive and a whole lot less relaxing since we became a SITKOM family! (Single Income, Two Kids, Oppressive Mortgage).
The absolute worst piece of evidence that we have become those people? The one that I’m ashamed to even admit to?
Yesterday, we had lunch at McDonalds.
Mortifying! :giggle:
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