Category Archives: In Progress

Warning: Border Ahead

Yesterday I finished a ten hour slot on Patricia Allison’s Spring Dragon. I took a ‘before’ shot, since the last one you saw wasn’t completely up to date.


You can see I spent most of the ten hours on border leaves and backstitching. If you will excuse my language, this border is a bitch! (And if you don’t excuse the language, it still is :giggle: ). I also stitched on a negligible amount of gold treasure, and would have done more if I hadn’t suddenly found myself without 032BF… how can that be possible?! Stash gremlins are at work in my house again, I swear – I’ve also ‘misplaced’ a few of the threads I need for Mermaids of the Deep Blue, which I had intended to start next, and some red crystals I recently traded for (but can’t even remember what they’re for)!

The colour of the fabric, by the way, is woefully inaccurate in these photos. Imagine a lighter colour with a more greenish cast to it, and you’re about there. It’s Rue Green Quaker cloth, for those that need to know 🙂

I went cross-country today to visit a not-so-LNS to pick up some more 032BF, plus supplies for my exchange partner, and fibers for the quilt square I’m stitching in memory of Laura. I do love this particular shop, but I really, really, loathe paying Australian prices for anything. Support local business, sure, but there is a limit – effectively, I couldn’t afford this hobby if I had to rely on getting everything locally 🙁


Yep, that’s about it. Blah.

I had a very Not Fun blood-taking experience today. The vein in question has apparently decided to bleed under my skin, thus I have a gory looking inner elbow right now. Ewww :yuk:

Oh… in case you’re wondering (and I’m sure you were on the edge of your seats!) a long-neglected WIP won the screaming contest – I dragged out Spring Dragon, and have so far spent 3 hours of a planned 10 working on it. On the never ending border. Achieving apparently nothing. Grrr. Then today I spent almost that length of time again re-kitting it, because I decided I hate working from DMC flossbows for large projects, and have (gasp!) returned to bobbining. I swore I would never bobbin again, but here we are :bored:


Petal At 20 Hours


I finished up another ten hour slot on Petal Fairy last night. (Plus about 30 minutes to finish the brown I had started in her hair). If you need to remind yourself of what she looked like before, check here.

I’m enjoying doing this in 10 hour slots. So far she’s the only WIP I’ve started timing, but it’s working well for me. It’s probably the most structured my stitching will ever get though.

Thus far, this is the only stitching I’ve done for 2006, which is somewhat disappointing. (Summer + Studying != Lots of Stitching Time 🙁 *) Not sure what’s up next. I have numerous deadlines to meet in the coming 3 weeks :yuk:

In more chocolate-egg related news, Mum found me peppermint eggs today, whoohoo! Not Cadbury though. A slightly inferior brand, who I won’t embarrass by naming. Still good, but not as good, so I’m still pouty. I was slightly cheered when I Googled ‘Cadbury Peppermint Eggs’ and Million Stitches popped up #3 in the results :giggle: For the time being I am transferring my loyalties to Turkish Delight eggs. Mmmmmmm.

* For the programmatically challenged, ‘!=’ is ‘not equals’ 😉

Stitchy Eye Candy

Hope you all had a wonderful time doing whatever it is that you do at this time of year:smile:. We spent the last three days traversing Victoria like mad things, and are now trying to sleep it all off. Here’s a bit of an update on things stitchy in my life lately. Clickety-click on the images for more, of course 😉


Item 1: The promised picture of my simply (but expensively) framed Waiting For Ships. She’s currently adorning the floor, while we contemplate potential paint colours and the state of our finances.

Item 2: Probably my last finish of 2005 – Lily Pond, by Elizabeth’s Designs. I craved another finish a) before the end of the year, and b) before I go back to finish uni (on Jan 4). Thank goodness for these gorgeous Little Leaf designs, which are always handy for instant gratification! There’s more to this when you click through – the thumbnail is just of the centre of the design.


Item 3: What else I’ve been stitching – Christmas Mandala Garden, by Chatelaine. I started this one in January with last Christmas fresh in my mind. I dragged it out again after I put Petal Fairy away. Truthfully, it probably won’t see the light of day again until next Christmas. Maybe I’ll finish it then!

Guilt Free Me


I know there’s a bunch of stitchers out there who partake of ‘Guilt Free January’ – in which new starts are permitted without any feelings of guilt about the numbers of WIPs they may be neglecting. I think this is a fabulous idea. So much so, in fact, that I am going to be partaking of guilt free stitching from – oh, now, until whenever I so choose :giggle: Basically, my stitching time is going to be seriously curtailed for the next goodness-knows-how-long, as I slog through (a) this pregnancy, (b) the final unit in my Masters course, and then (c) sleep deprivation and all things newbabyish. So with that in mind, I’m going to enjoy what stitching I do get time for. And there is nothing I enjoy more than new starts! Not saying that’s all I’m going to do, of course. It would be lovely to even finish something once in a while. But given what I just spent on the framing of 2 pieces at the weekend (I’ve been too busy/ exhausted to do it myself), I can’t afford to finish too much anyway :giggle: So in honour of Guilt Free Me, please welcome the newest WIP to my portfolio – Mirabilia’s Petal Fairy. This is the first 10 hours of stitching – and the first time I’ve ever counted time (wonder how long that will last?!). She’s fun, and I will probably do some more on her over Christmas, I think.

Winter’s Lament

I keep on mentioning this, but it’s finally time. I finally have a moment to introduce you to my unfinished darling. Winter Queen, by Mirabilia.

This is one of the designs that started it all for me, really. In early 1998 I purchased Garden Verses and Winter Queen. I believe Garden Verses came first. This was back in the days when Lincraft stocked a better range of cross stitch supplies. Had they never stocked Mirabilia, I may never have caught the bug, because Home-Sweet-Home stuff just doesn’t appeal to me (though my taste has since evolved to include an eclectic range).

I started Garden Verses first, but if you remember, that start was doomed. Not long after that, I discovered to my delight… an LNS! I seem to have outgrown that same store now; most of my stash arrives by mail. But back then, it was a magical haven of all things new and glorious. I discovered linen came by the metre, not just in pre-cut pieces wrapped in plastic. After the Garden Verses debacle, that was a huge relief. I purchased some fabric, floss, and beads, took my bounty home, attached the fabric to Mum’s old tapestry frame, and started with enthusiasm.

Everything went swimmingly from the crown down to the waist. When I hit the endless blues and whites of the gown, I stalled. A lot. Over the years between then and now, WQ has re-emerged a number of times, been worked on some more, and then banished to the cupboard once again.

When I really became assimilated into the world of stitching – late 2001, early 2002, I decided that I really should finish WQ before getting crazy with too many other projects (ha!). I pulled her out again and did a lot more on that gown. Then I realised she had bigger issues, and that I didn’t really know what I would do with her if I did finish her. Let me explain:

Fabric colour
Why, oh why did I choose cream linen for this beautiful design that needs white. Or antique white, at the very most. Cream! This is far and away the worst problem, I just don’t like her on this fabric.
Dye lot differences
Hmmm. I have since learned my lesson – buy all the floss needed for a design at the same time. The dyelot differences in the a few of the floss colours are seriously noticeable. For me to be happy, I’d have to unpick a lot of stitching and restitch with one dyelot. Just quietly… that’s not going to happen!
Yep, and lots of it. Poor stitching practices (holding onto the scroll bar where the fabric was attached) plus poor storage over a long time, have caused the cream fabric to become really dirty, not to mention a lot of the white stitches now look cream as well. Yes, I know about Orvus. Trust me, I’ve tried everything on this baby. Orvus, Napisan, Woolwash (yes, I know I shouldn’t). Even… {shock, horror}… the washing machine. Yep, I threw her in our front loader, beads and all. ‘Twas for nought though, she’s still just as dirty. The white areas could be frogged and restitched… but see above for how I feel about that. And as far as the fabric goes, well I don’t think it could be fixed at all. Possibly it could be hidden by a close mat if it were ever framed.

So. That’s what’s wrong with WQ. If you’ve made it this far, you deserve a prize. That’s her. I know, she looks not so bad in that pic. Trust me, all those problems look worse in real life.

She weighs on my mind a lot. For a good long time, I felt that if I didn’t finish her, I wasn’t a real stitcher. I finished a lot of small stuff, but nothing big, until Celtic Christmas, and more recently, Waiting For Ships. Finishing those two, and particularly WFS, has eased my mind a little. The other reason I think about her a lot is that I do still really like the design. But restitching the whole thing does not thrill me one bit, given how far I got. So if I turf her, it is very likely she won’t ever hang in my home. But if I don’t turf her, she’ll still never hang in my home. So you see my dilemma!

Of Zen, and Frogs, and Dingoes

The washing machine picked itself up off the floor and behaved like a perfect angel when TheGuy came. I gritted my teeth, and of course after he had left, it blew me a raspberry and resumed its former position on the matter. Grrr. There’s a laundromat around the corner where I expect to be spending some time studying over the next week or however long.

After last night’s post, I decided I needed more Zen in my life. Went looking for something I just knew would be on the www. Yes, you too can play with your very own Zen garden. I taught Finn how to do it, he had a ball :giggle:

So I stitched a bit more while he had fun on that this morning. Sadly, while stitching in monochrome is somewhat easier, and almost meditative itself, it is not exempt from the froggies. Three separate frogs visited me in a short space of time, so I put it down for the rest of today. I think I’m about 25% done in these few days though, so it shouldn’t be too long before another happy dance.

That covers the Zen and Frogs of my title, but what about the Dingoes, you may ask? Well, since TheGuy got in and out before our regularly scheduled story time at the library, we were able to make it there after all. And… who knew… it’s the 21st birthday of Wombat Stew today: Happy Birthday WS! Total coincidence that we were at the library for the 11am National Simultaneous Storytime. I love this book, we have it at home, and Finn thinks my singing voice is hilarious as I emulate the dopey dingo and his “Wombat Stew, Wombat Stew – Gooey, Chewy, Crunchy, Munchy, Wombat Stew”. And of course, I’m not one to give away endings, but let me tell you that the Wombat comes to no harm in the end!

So that was my Friday. Sadly, tomorrow is Saturday. While for some (OtherHalf, Finn) that means sleeping in, indulgent breakfast at home, and pottering about the house and garden, for me it means 4, maybe more, hours at uni. Blech! Looking forward to Sunday.

A Spring Shower

Well, the stitching drought may not have completely broken, but there has been the equivalent of a light shower’s worth of stitching in this house over the last three days. There was linen, and there was silk (red), and for a little while, all the NotGood things in my life receded into the background. Stitching is Good, and I should never not do it again!

The NotGood things in my life at the moment are mostly some variation on crap customer service. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s me. In the last week, or thereabouts, I’ve had NotGood interactions with our bank, our insurance company, one of my tutors, and the girl at the copy centre. Oh, and our washing machine decided to die a horrible (and stinky) death. What’s going on? It must be me. I must be giving off “piss-me-off-today-coz-I’ve-got-nothing-better-to-do” vibes! Or perhaps it’s a full moon*. Whatever it is, I wish it would just go away :grr:

So I will continue putting a few stitches into my new (top secret) project each day, keeping the NotGood things at bay. And hopefully sometime soon I’ll be able to make an entirely GoodThings post 🙂 Meanwhile, think good washing machine thoughts, coz TheGuy comes tomorrow, and I’m really hoping this death thing is just temporary!

*Nope, nuh-uh, not a full moon. Therefore it’s the vibes. QED.

So Close, Yet…

Aaaargh, beading! I reneged on my decision not to use the invisible YLI thread again, which is not helping. You may notice I didn’t achieve my goal of finishing WFS in my school break – I returned on this Thursday just gone, to acquaint myself with my new units, Usability Engineering and Web Database Applications. (The latter requires a large group assignment, to which I say :yuk:, but otherwise it should be a more pleasant semester than last.)

But back to WFS – a HD is definitely nigh. By the end of the week, all things being equal (read: “if I ignore studying for the rest of the week” :giggle: ). I finished all of the beading on the top half tonight, and some of the tail fin is already done. I must say, despite my frustration with it, the beading on this is a lot more enjoyable than that on Celtic Christmas, which just got plain tedious after a while.

Really, really glad I switched out the Mill Hill beads for delicas, they look great. They have a squarish profile compared to the rounder MH beads, but I prefer to stitch them at an angle, which gives them the illusion of being curvier – it works for the strings of ‘pearls’, anyway.

After I finished tonight’s effort, I sat Her Gorgeousness in the light for a while and just gazed upon her glory. I really can’t wait to show her off… I’m going to have to try and get some photos that show off the sparklies.

The New Start


A first glimpse of the new start I allowed myself while we were away. It’s Blackberry Jam from The Sweetheart Tree, and the kit was from my most excellent Seasonal Exchange Partner, Annette. It was great to take on a trip, because the kit came with everything except scissors, so I just threw my pair in the nifty little case, and off we went. I think OtherHalf was impressed that it was the only stitching I took with me :giggle: You can see the finished product here. I’m trying to start a few smaller things, to include in my (screaming) rotation. That way I can hopefully have another finish or two this year, fingers crossed.