Tag Archives: 2006

Recap 06.1

Still having trouble building up momentum for 2007. In the interest of looking back before I can move forward, I’ve decided to do a mad-dash blog recap of 2006, to see just what I achieved last year (other than the obvious…).

In January I… started the final unit of my Master’s degree; bemoaned the absence of Cadbury peppermint Easter eggs; involved myself unnecessarily in another person’s issues; burned the wagon big-time; stitched on Petal Fairy; reached the halfway point in my second pregnancy.

In February I… harvested good things from our garden; reeled from the terrible loss of a good friend; learned that our baby was a girl; finished my Master’s degree; stitched ‘Celtic Cross’; stitched a square for Laura’s memorial quilt; stitched on ‘Spring Dragon’.

In March I… stitched on my first conversion; hand-dyed some beautiful fabrics; became completely absorbed with dyeing floss; stitched up four small designs; dyed and stenciled some t-shirts for Finn; had troubles with my blood pressure (which eventually resolved themselves); developed gestational diabetes; went shopping for kitchen appliances.

In April I… got cranky about the diabetes; wrote a floss-dyeing tutorial; started selling some hand-dyed floss; bought a bucket load of Silkweaver fabrics in their sale; was told my baby was in a breech position, and became worried about my chances of having a VBAC; started ‘Mermaids of the Deep Blue’; dyed more fabric; got nervous about the kitchen demolition/reconstruction

In May I… kept my GD under control; was scheduled for a c-section; got uber-cranky (damn pregnancy hormones); fretted about meeting exchange stitching deadlines; taught Finn to read; sent and received some lovely exchanges; celebrated my one year ‘blogiversary’

In June I… got grumpy about spam and splogs; started ‘You Were Hatched’; HAD A BABY (by VBAC, what’s more, and this far eclipses the rest of the year, of course); became closely acquainted with sleep deprivation; never posted a birth-story, whoops; actually managed to start and finish (and frame and send) an exchange.

In July I… got a little more sleep; started ‘Dragonfly Jewels’; stitched my first needleroll for an exchange; went to the Zoo; had some good and not-so-good baby evenings; stitched more on ‘You Were Hatched’; had a small boy with croup

In August I… only managed to post on the blog 4 times; made friands and playdough; had a long rant about the census; finished ‘You Were Hatched’; received a great package from my Scissor Fob exchange partner; received a lovely beadwork fob from Karin; went through a dreadful run of sleepless nights; started a bit of casual employment marking assignments

In September I… became hooked on Flickr craft groups; finally caught some Niamh smiles on camera; bemoaned the post-partum falling of my hair; made a valiant attempt at some decluttering

In October I… posted every day of ‘Blogtober’; tried my hand at crochet (again); joined the UFO round robin; came clean about the number of WIPs I have (then 15); received a big stash order; watched Niamh learn how to roll over; celebrated birthday no. 31; suffered my first migraine in a long time; stitched on ‘Elizabeth’ for the UFO-RR; finished the Mirabilia ‘Bumblebee’; finished ‘Kaitlin’; won some funky scissors from Jenna; baked more friands; made a friendship bracelet; bought our digi-SLR

In November I… burned out from October’s postathon and only posted three times; signed up to ‘Pay it Forward’; started freaking out about Christmas; got angry about mixed up taxes; and also about strawberry-stealing slaters; went away to celebrate our anniversary; did lots of other stuff that didn’t end up being blogged

In December I… did a bunch of stuff that really needs it’s own recap post

Not so shabby after all. I think I counted 13 stitching finishes in there. They were all small, but I think I can live with that.

I also counted far too many moans and rants though. Got to work on that this year!