Two weeks ago today, my Nana died. I haven’t been here to talk about it because I’m not sure what to say, really. It was not entirely unexpected, though I think I had become a little desensitized by her “this could be the last time…” banter of the last many months. I figured she would still be around in her 100’s, still haranguing me about my weight at every opportunity. She and I, we had… an abrasive relationship, I suppose you could say. I don’t necessarily have any regrets, it just was what it was. Life’s like that. People are different. (Or perhaps, just a little bit too much the same, though I would never admit that.)
Her death is still a loss to us all though, and brings a closing of a chapter in my life. She was my last surviving grandparent. Who knows if Finn will remember having known her. Niamh certainly will not. I hope it is a very, very long time before they have to say goodbye to their own grandparents, and I hope for us all that they continue to share more harmonious relationships with them.
Rest in peace, Nana.