Unblogged… 3 things.

This isn’t a meme, nor is it anywhere near the catch up I should be writing after months of sparse and crappy blogging, but forgive me. We are in the middle of a heatwave (hottest Melbourne week in 100 years or some equally scary statistical anomaly), and I have hit third trimester with a bang (I swore I would never have another summer pregnancy. Damn first-try conception!) So I thought I might pull up a half finished draft and post it as some kind of ‘getting back into it’ attempt. Perhaps February might yield more promising content?

Three (probably terribly boring) things I never blogged about:

#1. Back in September (I think), I entered a competition on this lovely lady’s blog. We had been considering a Waldorf doll for Niamh for Christmas, but ultimately decided the price was a bit much right now, and her third birthday was probably a more appropriate time anyway. Aaaaanyway,cutting an unnecessarily long story short – I won! Lovely Jeanette (whose name will no doubt be changed by her eventual recipient) is hiding out in the top of my wardrobe until Niamh’s birthday in June. I plan to make her some more clothes, if I ever find out where my crafty mojo got to.

#2. Around about the time I broke my wrist, Niamh decided she was toilet trained. Just like that! I have never been more thankful for something. She was just shy of 2-and-a-half, but it did seem like we had been waiting a while – she had been dithering for a while; the first time she used the potty (also completely of her own accord) was almost a year prior. But suddenly – it was all good. Including…. NIGHTS! Colour me stunned! Completely on her own she decided to start wearing ‘just jarmies’ (actually, more often than not, just the bottoms) to bed, and since then there have only been a handful of wet beds. We are now landed with the slightly awkward situation of dealing with a six-year old who still night wets vs a 2 year old who doesn’t.

#3. We’re having another boy! (This announcement was ‘Facebooked’, but some of you would have missed it). The oddest thing is, even though if pushed, I would have said I would prefer a boy this time around (it’s complicated!), immediately after finding out, I lamented the loss of a chance to have another girl. This pregnancy has been a bit like that – there are so many ‘lasts’, and a little bit of grieving for what will never be again. And no, there won’t be another, this is definitely the last for us – I like my car too much!

This Boy

Finn's Birthday 2008

Is pretty great, actually 🙂 I still can’t quite work out where I misplaced the last six years, but just look at that – we have a six year old! Happy Birthday Mr Finn!

The last couple of school weeks were pretty full-on for the boy. He was thrust suddenly into the world of car-pooling after I broke my wrist; he was one of the narrators in the Prep end-of-year concert (amazing me with his stage confidence – such a different boy from way back then); sickness descended once twice more upon the Sugarlemon household; as did headlice (blech); mid-illness, we survived a whirlwind (early) birthday party (tenpin bowling again this year, since *someone* (cough) didn’t manage to book the swimming party in time); there was a flurry of excitement over a Student Achievement Award; two days were spent at this swish school learning Chess and geometry and other fun stuff; then finally there came the last day of school for 2008, which ended with a bit of a teary meltdown (as Claire can attest!) Not surprising, really. (Thankfully, Santa drove our bus on the way home, so all was restored.) Then came the anticipation and actuality of Christmas, which as always is a story unto itself.

(Actually, all of those should have been stories unto themselves, but as usual, I’ve been a bad blogger, and this is the seriously condensed version. With many parentheses.)

But today, finally, a day just for Finn. And it was pretty excellent. Low-key, just the four of us, but with the requisite amounts of sugar and fun, I think. Still transport-less (cast comes off in 5 days, hip hip hooray), we took a train into the city for: Krispy Kreme doughnuts, Myer Christmas windows, Madagascar 2, Sushi, Pork dumplings, and Max Brenner hot chocolate. Thoroughly exhausted, we staggered home, where Niamh and I had to sleep it off for a while. Later there was some of this, lots of this, an excellent round of this, then early fireworks (televised) for the kids, and finally, blessedly, they’re asleep, and I’m just trying to keep my eyes open until at least the first few seconds of 2009. Happy New Year, everyone 🙂


(I’m playing along with Kirsty today- see here if you’re curious. Hi Kirst!)

Still feeling totally inspired by the handmade issue of mankind mag from my favourite design blog.
Q What is the blog author’s first name? ANSWER: Erin
use the first letter – LETTER: E

We like to keep lunch casual, I’ve found some fabulous BBQ recipes for the big day.
Q What type of meat is pictured on the rotisserie? ANSWER: Lamb
use the first letter – LETTER: L

Getting some great ideas for upcycling (my favourite craft) & enjoying the revamp over at this fabulous craft website.
Q They list everyone’s favourite mama as one of their inspirational sites. Which mama is she? ANSWER: Soulemama
use the second letter – LETTER: O

Looking forward to being able to buy handmade at the shopping shindig with the craft book Queen.
Q What type of car is pictured? ANSWER: Volkswagon Beetle
use the first letter – LETTER: V

All these letters unscramble to reveal: WHAT? is all you need.

LOVE (is all you need)

(Well… Love and chocolate, anyway! -Mel)

Geez, I hope I got the time right. My version of WordPress is a wee bit confused about Daylight Savings time, and I’ve never quite got around to fixing it.

Lost: One Centre of Gravity

Many of you know already (Facebook is the place to announce all the importancies of life these days, dontcha know?), but for those who don’t, let me tell you how I spent a few perfectly good hours last night.

In the emergency department, having my arm plastered.

Fun, no? Yep, instead of spending those few perfectly good hours at Brown Owls making tea lights like I was supposed to, I decided to take a detour straight off the chair I was standing on, and fracture a formerly perfectly good left wrist, which was (formerly) good at doing all that stuff like writing and stitching and driving – stuff I now won’t be doing for a good 6-8 weeks, give or take.


I’m having trouble coming up with a silver lining to this one, but I will say that hey, at least it wasn’t, say, my leg, and it’s definitely a good thing that Baby Three is unharmed (my overwhelming concern as I fell, and probably the reason I broke said wrist in the first place). In fact, Baby Three (s/he of no good nickname) spent the night partying, as I lay mostly not-sleeping (damn, casts are hard to sleep with).

Will be spending next 6-8 weeks berating self for stupidity of standing on chair when 19.5 weeks pregnant. And feeling thankful for wonderful friends who have come to the rescue of this currently no-car family (did I ever mention that Dermot can’t drive? Yeah, makes it just that much more fun :ouch: )

Two Books, Two Days

I guess I kind of got hooked into the Twilight series after all. I mean, yeah, they’re a little bit slushy-teen-romance-y, but I like a  bit of light escapism as much as the next girl!

So the weather forecast is for cold, wet and miserable this weekend in Melbourne. Great reading weather! You think I should head out and pick up the other two books?

I just checked my Books iRead on Facebook – I’ve been plugging in books this year as I read them – looks like I’ve managed 22 books so far this year – I’d say that’s one successful resolution for 2008. (Ahem… ‘more stitching’ was clearly not such a success).

Ooh, and in other (wonderful) news today – I passed my first glucose tolerance test. Whoohoo! I had to do an early one this time – at 18 weeks – on account of having had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Niamh. I was (and am still) fully expecting to have GD again – there is a fairly high probability, I’m only being realistic. But the 18 week test came back normal. Which means, although I have to repeat it at 28 weeks to see if things change, I won’t be a diabetic for Christmas! Restricted portions, no refined sugar, and four-times-daily finger pricks would not make for a terribly festive Festive Season. (Not that I’m taking this as free rein to be a sugar glutton mind you).

Markets and Crafty Things


Thanks for allowing me that little sidetrack off the sanity wagon. For your patience, you get to (finally) witness some craftiness around here.

I have a bit of a problem with craft markets – occasionally I walk in and get a bad case of I-can-make-that-itis. Then I get an attack the guilts, because crafters gotta eat, too! It’s a fine line though, between supporting small makers and blowing my budget. So I do my best, but frequently I leave with a head full of ideas, and my money still in my purse.

Mathilda’s market yesterday was bit like that. I went on a whim, since I was heading that way anyway. I spent 40 minutes or so dodging baby-bumps and uber-prams (I took neither, since the kids stayed home with Dermot, and to be honest, my ‘bump’ is still more fat-like than bump-like), but left almost empty handed. I did say a brief hello to the lovely Leslie on my way our, and immediately felt kind of blog-stalkerish and awkward 😳

The afternoon proved much more just-what-I-needed – I picked up a friend, and we made our way to the Shirt & Skirt market at the Abbotsford Convent. Which is sensational! I had a really good time. We grabbed some yummy lunch at Lentil as Anything and had a catch up, then wandered the market (markets, actually – there’s a second ‘Maker’s Market’ inside the refectory) and the convent grounds for much of the afternoon. I still managed to avoid parting with much cash, but there was much less I-can-make-that-itis, and much more How-awesome-is-that-I-wish-it-would-fit-me-itis!

I did buy the nifty stone necklace you see above (hello cleavage!). I’m convinced there’s a name for stacks of rocks like this (are they cairns? or something different?), but for now I’m calling this my Makka Pakka necklace (that’s a parents-of-young-children reference 🙂 ). I like it a lot. The artist is Martina Öhlinger. She doesn’t sell online, but is definitely someone to seek out if you’re at a future S&S market.

The wee chicky and his mum are a gift for someone I quite like, if I can bear to part with them. I didn’t get the details from this stall (inside, in the Makers’ Market), but there were a bunch of other lovely Steiner/Waldorf-y playthings to be found there.

Also seen above are two things made… by me! The amigurumi boy-in-dragon-suit I finished up quite some eons ago. This is the first ami I’ve ever finished. He’s a little bit wonky, and I’m not quite happy with the stuffing showing through the stitches look, but he’s still cute! I bought the pattern from Owlishly (Etsy shop here, Blog here), and it’s very well written and easy to follow. Highly recommended.

Little Ms Red Riding Hood is an entirely-by-me creation. A few weeks back it was badge night at Brown Owls. The badges I made that night are currently all AWOL (blame Niamh, she took a liking to them!) – but I found this ‘in progress’ shot on one of Steph’s many blogs. Aaaanyway (geesh, this is getting rambly and long), we had a bit of a felt-badgy-tutorial from Ms Anna Laura, she of cute lady-badges, and I was inspired a couple of days later to whip up Ms Red here. I won’t point out her flaws, because I’m starting to realise I do that a lot. She’s pretty ace, if I do say so myself!

And now. I’m off to bed to make a start on Twilight. I wasn’t going to, since I’ve already done the whole Anne Rice vampirey thing in my youth and all, but I finally gave in and decided to borrow it from the library. Then I went and bought it instead, because I didn’t feel like waiting until next century (seriously – #64 on the holds list? Stuff that!) So it better be all everyone says it is.


That, down there…

.. does not have anything whatsoever to do with a certain bun-in-the-oven.

You know. Just in case you were to misconstrue my bizarr-ity (if that’s not a word, it should be).

Oh, and thank you for asking after me, I ‘preciate it 🙂

Letting Go

I had a whole post worked out in my head before. It seemed to work. It was kind of a metaphorical elephant-in-the-room storytelling post. About how the elephant kept taking great giant elephant craps on my head, and no one else in the room seemed to notice, only then all of a sudden they all noticed at once, and I thought great, excellent – now perhaps we can talk about the damn elephant in the room, because I sure don’t need this toxic bullshit (um, I mean elephant crap) anymore. But then, they all just didn’t mention the elephant in the room, and it was suddenly not so much the elephant I was upset with (because I can easily take a shower, yes?), but everyone else, who seem to think it’s perfectly okay for an elephant to crap all over me, so long as we don’t have to talk about it!

But then I wrote that post down, and it sounded stupid (I know, what are the odds…?!), so I didn’t post it.

Only now, I sort of did. Because I have to somehow get past this thing that is causing me undue tension. That is causing me to not want to craft or blog. That is interfering with my life on a daily basis.

I want to craft and blog and be happy again. And I’m tired of the elephant crap. So it occurs to me that even though the elephant gets what the elephant always wanted, the healthiest thing for me to do is leave the room. Right? Right.

And take that shower, dammit!

Edited for Hormonal Imbalance

So I wrote out this whole post, and it didn’t start out in a bad place, but it ended up in one, so I’m self-editing, because who can trust a pregnant woman to make any sense, huh?

What I really wanted to say was, thanks for coming to my pity-party the other day. All hugs and premature congratulations much appreciated, and I’ll try not to do it again… much. (Fair warning though: see most of my last pregnancy!)

Minor important details I should probably dish out here are: I’m only 9.5 weeks so far, and I’m still (probably excessively) concerned about the slapped cheek virus and possible subsequent miscarriage. Lets keep all minor appendages crossed, shall we?

On another rant entirely, tomorrow, Finn’s school is having a ‘Footy Fun Day’ – an out-of-uniform-wear-your-team-colours kind of hullabaloo. Which is fine. Except you’re looking at one of the teeny-tiny-minority of families in Victoria who do not follow AFL! I know! The Shock! The Horror!

Anyway, Finn barely knows what ‘footy’ is, except what he hears from class mates (which is mostly along the lines of ‘you should… (follow x team/y team/collect footy cards/go to Auskick)’). Whatever. I’m totally on board if he decides to do any of those things, I am. But what’s incensed me today is the suggestion that if they don’t wear footy colours tomorrow, they have to come to school in uniform. Pfft to that (if it’s accurate, which, to be fair, it may not be, since I did only heard it from Finn so far). However… since he’s a small boy who’s sometimes overly concerned about doing the right thing, I’ve convinced him that since ‘footy’ also encompasses soccer/rugby/whatever else (Gaelic football, anyone?), he can get away with wearing the only piece of football paraphernalia which exists in our house – which just happens to be….

…an All Blacks hat brought back as a souvenir for Finn from NZ by my Dad.

Ahahahahaha. Take that, patriotic loyalty :giggle:

Back next time with actual photographic evidence of crafting. I swear it’s true!

PS. We can thank Dermot for getting my blog images back in operation, since I was being a complete dolt about it. Also, he provided hugs as requested. Yay for husbands.

PPS. Finn will also be wearing other clothes. Not just the hat. In case you were concerned for his welfare and my sanity!

PPPPPPS. Is 9.5 weeks too early to be breaking out the maternity gear, d’you think?! Because, damn, third pregnancies really suck in that regard!


So I picked up all these new readers recently (hi!), and the blog has been dead ever since. Sorry ’bout that. And now, when I finally get around to paying it a visit, it turns out all my images have gone AWOL. Crap. I’m really not sure what’s up with that – it seems like some issue with my Zenphoto/Wordpress plugin, but I’m too tired and stressed to figure out what right now. So we’ll carry on picture-less, for now, k? Appropriate, really, since I don’t actually have anything to show you today.

The last two weeks, and most especially, the last three days, have been shit. (I’m not going to apologise for the language, because you know what, I’m done apologising for now). I shouldn’t and won’t bring dirty family laundry to the blog, but sometimes, I’m acutely aware that the distance between my siblings and I is not purely geographical.

I’m tired. Weary. Over the drama.

But most of all. I’m wishing that I hadn’t spent the last 24 hours Googling ‘slapped cheek disease’ and ‘pregnancy’.

(And yes… you may now feel free to draw conclusions – the whole world seems to be finding out by accident anyway)

I think I might need a hug.