
Look at all that lovely de-lurking down there! Thank you for all the kind comments on my birthday post. (Only one ‘You’re Ace’ though. Hmmmm.) I’m delighted to announce that the ten pretty flossies will be making their way to Valerie any day now.


I was going to give you photographic evidence of the name-draw as carried out by my barrel boy, Finn – but Melbourne winter evening + poor kitchen lighting did not permit. Besides – see above. It looked kind of like that! You’re just going to have to take my word for it 🙂

Valerie, if you would be so kind as to send me your details, I’ll have the floss off in the mail to you ASAP.

Oh, by the way, if anyone else is interested in what happened to my floss dyeing tutorial (I had an email a little while back about this), I do plan on getting it back up at some point – hopefully with accompanying photographs. In the meanwhile, I have the text of it available as a PDF, so just email me if you’re interested in doing some dyeing of your own!

Hip Hip Hooray…

… the blog turns three today!!!

By some odd chance of fate (the strangest coincidences keep happening to me lately – something in the air?), this lovely lady asked me yesterday how long I had been blogging. It occurred to me later that my ‘bloggiversary’ (cripes I hate that word!) must be sometime around now, and lo and behold, May 28 is it. Yep, I’ve been rabbiting on for lo these 36 months now. So Happy Birthday blog!


Now like all good crafty bloggers, I’m giving the birthday gifty to you 🙂 Readers-slash-commenters bring the life to a blog, and I am so grateful to those of you who have hung around, especially over the last angst-ridden, sparsely-updated twelve months or so. Niamh and I have assembled this pretty little palette of Sugarlemon hand-dyed embroidery floss. All you need to do is delurk, tell me I’m Ace (or not!), and one random person scoops the lot.

Also, we made Birthday Scroggin. I can’t guarantee there’ll be any of that left when the time comes to send off the floss though :giggle:


(Actually, the Scroggin has nothing to do with the bloggiversary, but it is very festive, don’t you think? Inspired by an old Kiddley post. Yum).

(Oh yes, and smilies still not fixed. Gosh I’m lazy!)


The owner of this hand turns 2 in a week. Can you believe it?!

Oh how I wish I got the focus right in this shot – she was moving so fast I took what I could. It’s an almost great photograph

Anyway. The lovely biscornu in Niamh’s hand came to me two weeks ago. It’s from Christine, and it is a simply beautiful Pay-It-Forward gift. So sorry Christine that it’s taken me so long to let you know it arrived, and that I love it. So nicely finished – be proud of yourself!


PS. I upgraded my WordPress installation and now my smilies are all blah. I just noticed this now, will work on it tomorrow!

Hearts & Flowers

There’s no escaping it – excluding January, 2-oh-oh-8 has been a pretty lean year for me, crafting- and stitching-wise. I’m a bit bummed about that, but as usual, when I’m feeling a lot of stress about other things, I find the urge to create falls in a heap. Instead, I’ve been doing a lot more reading than usual (the highlight of which has been the very beautiful Girl with a Pearl Earring – how, oh how have I not read this before?) More recently, I’ve developed an unhealthy addiction to Packrat on Facebook (and I’m going to go ahead and blame Annette for that, even though I know she will protest!)

All has not been completely lost though. Way way waaay back in February, I did actually do a wee bit o’ cross-stitchin’ 🙂 Can’t for the life of me remember where this cute heart is from (DMC??), but it was a freebie chart, and I stitched it with a pretty pink hand dyed silk from Jo.


Then, in March, I became a joiner-in-er! I sidled into a Brown Owls meeting one night, had a bit of fun stitching up my name and Tweenie panels, decided that a room full of crafty strangers wasn’t quite as scary as I thought, and became a Seconder that very night. What is Brown Owls? Why it’s ‘Brownies’ for Crafters, of course :giggle: (or ‘my weird cult’, if you believe my sweet husband!) Bunches of crafty chicks sitting around the clubhouse drinking tea, eating bikkies, chatting, and learning and sharing bits of crafty goodness. All thanks to the Good Lady Pip.

I’ve been to another two meetings since – in April we played with hooks and yarn. After the crochet class, inspired by Lara’s collection of flowers, I came home and puzzled my way through a few online tutorials to create this bunch:


At last night’s meet we had a bit of a Mix-up – everyone brought in whatever they liked to work on, plus some Show & Tell. I was so worried I was going to be the daggiest crafter there – because it has always seemed to me that even in this atmosphere of crafty revival, cross-stitch is still stuck firmly in the ‘Nanna crafts’ category. But surprise! and yay! I wasn’t the only one who brought cross-stitch. I know… I worry about the silliest things 😳

Oh yes, and on the weekend, one of my red flowers made its way onto a last-minute handmade gift for my Mum for Mothers’ Day (makes me feel like I’m back in kindergarten… in a good way!)



But the thing that is making me happiest of all today is a small but significant breakthrough in the Finn situation. We’ll get there yet 🙂

What We Did


On the long weekend we went to Phillip Island.

We saw koalas and penguins.

It was very cold.

We all got sick.

The End.


For some time, I have been under the impression that neither of my kids looks like me. (Well, apart from the eyebrows, of course). How wrong I was:

(Finn December 2007 vs Me circa 1980, both approximately 5 years old)

Term 2, Week 2

It’s difficult to get inside the brain of a 5 year old boy. Most of the time, I guess you probably wouldn’t want to! But we’re dealing with a few problems with Finn at school at the moment, and I’m just finding it so hard to help him through this. Mostly, I end up feeling I’m doing all the wrong things, and some of the time, I know that I am (see: irrational yelling, behaving worse than a child myself sometimes). After dropping him off each morning, I’m all kinds of tense for the rest of the day until I pick him up. I keep expecting school to call and ask me to pick him up because he’s done x or y. Logically, I know it’s not that bad. I know that he (mostly) has a good time once I’m gone, that a good portion of his behaviour in the morning is due to separation anxiety. Logically, I also know that he’ll eventually get over his apparent phobia of the school toilets (won’t he?!). That school won’t always feel like a prison sentence to he and I both (oh please?!)

But damn it’s hard right now.


Welcome to Sugarlemon. Glad you could make it 🙂 There might be a smidgen of construction debris over the next little while as I tinker, but all in all, I think I’ve settled in quite well. There’s a wee little ‘About Me’ bit up there, and the Progress Bars are there too. Sugarlemon also has a gallery installation, feel free to look around if you like.

All of the archives from Million Stitches are here, and I’ve been through and repaired all broken image links (I think!) A few posts have been password protected, and except for the last few months worth of posts, comments and trackbacks are closed. You can always email me though 🙂

I wish I had more to share, but it’s the end of a rough old week. Off to get some family time in. See you soon.


So hi. Thought I’d better let you know where I am. I’ve been (and am still) busy over at my blog’s new home, getting things into order before I let you in the door 🙂

I may be some time – I’m manually going through all of my archives, making sure all of the images are in the one spot, and not lost in the giant ether somewhere, among other little tidying-up chores. I’ve been blogging since May of 2005, and so far I’m only up to March 2006! It is starting to move along a little bit quicker now though, mostly because sometime around then I got a bit more organized with my image categorization.

Meanwhile, in the non-virtual world, I’m battling an unpleasant post-viral sinus infection, which is making me all kinds of grumpy, so the two-week school holidays have been a bit of a bummer. Still, we’ve managed a little bit of this and that – some catching up with friends, a visit to ‘Circus Ringbarkus’, and a wee bit of home crafting, and there are still a few days left yet, so it’s not all a dead loss.

Anyway, hang about, amuse yourselves, I’ll be back soon (I hope) in my new digs.

Playing Tag

About forever ago, four lovely bloggie girls tagged me with stuff, and I am terrible at playing tag (always was bad at sports!) and haven’t quite got around to my responses yet. So without (much) further ado, here is the mother of all meme-posts…..

Leechbabe Marita tagged me with an interesting ‘Favourite 5’ meme. I have to give you links to five of my previous posts, relating to 1) family, 2) friends, 3) myself, 4) my love, and 5)anything whatsoever. Hmmm, let’s see:

  1. Family: My babies… say ‘awwwww’.
  2. Friends: new and old ones.
  3. Me me me: Geez, pick a post at random. They’re all about me!
  4. My Love: Well now. It appears that I well and truly don’t write much about Dermot on here. That’s half intentionally, at least. How about a link to a post he wrote?
  5. Anything: I did love it when the 3-and-a-half year old learned to read. Ha!

(Going back through my archives made me realize that not only are many of my image links broken because I am too busy lazy to fix the mess made after a recent domain switchover, but also there is even more crap blogging here than I thought. Gah!)

That Rebel Rebecca tagged me with that 7 things meme that’s been thrice round the blogiverse in the last several months. Seven “weird or random” facts about me? Well hey, I’m no weirdy, so let’s just go for random:

  1. I like words with pleasing or unusual letter combinations. Like ‘-esce’ (mmmm, fluoresce, effervesce) or ‘ae’ (some of you know me as ‘chimaera’ elsewhere on the web. Encyclopaedia is another). Ooh, I like ‘subpoena’. An old party trick of mine used to be the ability to spell ‘subpoena’ whilst inebriated. (Ok, so I am a weirdy. And very very sad).
  2. Once upon a time, I briefly had a black belt in Karate. Actually, Zen Do Kai, which is not technically Karate, but an ‘open martial art’. I say briefly, because not long after obtaining said black belt, I moved from my home town to Melbourne to go to uni, and discovered boys and booze. And that, as they say, was that. (I did actually look for a new club but wasn’t really happy with the local club, or my after-dark transport options for getting to- and fro-. Going down the pub was far more appealing)
  3. My Honours degree was in Pharmacology. My thesis concerned Phenylketonuria (which I probably cannot spell whilst inebriated), and involved the dissection and sectioning of a lot of mouse brains. Mouse brains are really really cute.
  4. The only non-Australian country to which I have ever travelled is China. Unless you count Tasmania (hint: you don’t count Tasmania).
  5. I have a tattoo above my right ankle. I am convinced that you can tell the approximate age of a woman by the tattoo she has. Tattoos run in fads – roses, dolphins, butterflies, Chinese symbols. I have a dolphin. Damn I wish I had been more original!
  6. Seven years ago I almost qualified as a massage therapist. I completed the entire course with the (notable) exception of the final exam. Painful ganglia in my wrists and some nasty personal-life stuff got in the way, and I never went back.
  7. I edited my first Wikipedia page recently. It gave me a 15 second thrill of excitement… until some other user undid my edit! Shortly afterwards my edit was restored and an apology was forthcoming. I’m not telling you what I edited though, it’s a little creepy.

Aaaand, finally, both Missy and Christine presented me with ‘You Make My Day’ awards. Aw shucks. Thanks girls 🙂 And in passing it on, here are ten bloggers who make my day…

Loobylu (hooray, Claire’s back 🙂 )
Pip aka MeetmeatMikes
Wee Wonderfuls
Finslippy cracks me up!
Heather Bailey
Montessori by Hand
and lucky last… and best of all
all of my stitchy friends. You know I can’t choose between you, you all make my day! Awards all round, and chocolate eggs too 🙂

Now… another random fact: I’m finally finishing this up at (OMG!) 3.08am (the timestamp is out b/c of Daylight Savings Time). I’ve been having a few lie-awake-til-the-wee-hours nights lately, and I figured getting up and doing something productive some mindless blogging was a better plan. Hopefully now I can shut my brain up and get some sleep – gotta go be a Canteen Mum tomorrow 🙂