Big Hair Lady

Aka ‘Tigerfly’ from Fanta Cat Designs. This is Laura’s UFO in the round robin. I took her from this:
to this:
I felt bad that I didn’t do more – the stitching blahs hit me pretty badly over the time I had her. But seeing these pictures together makes me feel a little better, it does look like I achieved something.

A number of Fanta Cat designs have drifted on and off my wishlist over the last few years. I can’t figure out if I really like them as much as I think I do. I think this one will look great when it’s finished (it’s for Laura’s mother), but those featureless faces do kind of creep me out a bit.

Too Darn Hot

Too Hot.

Too Hot to Stitch.

Too Hot to Cook.

Too Hot to Think.

Not too hot to appreciate local celebrity eye candy this morning at the pool. (I’m 90% sure it was him – or if not, someone sharing his face, body and voice, which is fine too!)

Also not too hot to appreciate the spreading of the WordPress love. Hooray!

Forecast minimum tonight is 25°C. Gah.

Too Hot to Sleep.

Too Hot to Blog.


Thanks for the heads-up, Christine 🙂

Sorry people, I was (obviously) fiddling with the look and widgets on the blog, and something was not quite right. If you access the blog via RSS you should have had no problems, but it was a wee bit broken for the rest of you (and me – I couldn’t even access the admin panel this morning). Should be okay now, please let me know if it isn’t.

This look is (hopefully) a temporary stopping point. I was weary of the old theme, but have no-time to finish working on my own (it does have a tantalising title though – ‘Floss Garden’ 🙂 ). So I thought this was a nice fresh, simple theme to adopt in the meanwhile.

Recap 06.1

Still having trouble building up momentum for 2007. In the interest of looking back before I can move forward, I’ve decided to do a mad-dash blog recap of 2006, to see just what I achieved last year (other than the obvious…).

In January I… started the final unit of my Master’s degree; bemoaned the absence of Cadbury peppermint Easter eggs; involved myself unnecessarily in another person’s issues; burned the wagon big-time; stitched on Petal Fairy; reached the halfway point in my second pregnancy.

In February I… harvested good things from our garden; reeled from the terrible loss of a good friend; learned that our baby was a girl; finished my Master’s degree; stitched ‘Celtic Cross’; stitched a square for Laura’s memorial quilt; stitched on ‘Spring Dragon’.

In March I… stitched on my first conversion; hand-dyed some beautiful fabrics; became completely absorbed with dyeing floss; stitched up four small designs; dyed and stenciled some t-shirts for Finn; had troubles with my blood pressure (which eventually resolved themselves); developed gestational diabetes; went shopping for kitchen appliances.

In April I… got cranky about the diabetes; wrote a floss-dyeing tutorial; started selling some hand-dyed floss; bought a bucket load of Silkweaver fabrics in their sale; was told my baby was in a breech position, and became worried about my chances of having a VBAC; started ‘Mermaids of the Deep Blue’; dyed more fabric; got nervous about the kitchen demolition/reconstruction

In May I… kept my GD under control; was scheduled for a c-section; got uber-cranky (damn pregnancy hormones); fretted about meeting exchange stitching deadlines; taught Finn to read; sent and received some lovely exchanges; celebrated my one year ‘blogiversary’

In June I… got grumpy about spam and splogs; started ‘You Were Hatched’; HAD A BABY (by VBAC, what’s more, and this far eclipses the rest of the year, of course); became closely acquainted with sleep deprivation; never posted a birth-story, whoops; actually managed to start and finish (and frame and send) an exchange.

In July I… got a little more sleep; started ‘Dragonfly Jewels’; stitched my first needleroll for an exchange; went to the Zoo; had some good and not-so-good baby evenings; stitched more on ‘You Were Hatched’; had a small boy with croup

In August I… only managed to post on the blog 4 times; made friands and playdough; had a long rant about the census; finished ‘You Were Hatched’; received a great package from my Scissor Fob exchange partner; received a lovely beadwork fob from Karin; went through a dreadful run of sleepless nights; started a bit of casual employment marking assignments

In September I… became hooked on Flickr craft groups; finally caught some Niamh smiles on camera; bemoaned the post-partum falling of my hair; made a valiant attempt at some decluttering

In October I… posted every day of ‘Blogtober’; tried my hand at crochet (again); joined the UFO round robin; came clean about the number of WIPs I have (then 15); received a big stash order; watched Niamh learn how to roll over; celebrated birthday no. 31; suffered my first migraine in a long time; stitched on ‘Elizabeth’ for the UFO-RR; finished the Mirabilia ‘Bumblebee’; finished ‘Kaitlin’; won some funky scissors from Jenna; baked more friands; made a friendship bracelet; bought our digi-SLR

In November I… burned out from October’s postathon and only posted three times; signed up to ‘Pay it Forward’; started freaking out about Christmas; got angry about mixed up taxes; and also about strawberry-stealing slaters; went away to celebrate our anniversary; did lots of other stuff that didn’t end up being blogged

In December I… did a bunch of stuff that really needs it’s own recap post

Not so shabby after all. I think I counted 13 stitching finishes in there. They were all small, but I think I can live with that.

I also counted far too many moans and rants though. Got to work on that this year!

Must. Not. Shop…

I seem to have welcomed in 2007 with an almighty case of the blaaahs, which has caught me completely off-guard, because I expected to be feeling all fresh and motivated and ready to take on the world. Bummer.

So now I find myself alone in the house (sort of), with Finn away for his very first ever parent-less stay with Grandma (sob!), and Niamh finally down for a nap after having a slightly ornery morning (teething? full moon? the weather? just plain moody like her mum?) And I’m fighting the urge to go online shopping (aargh… SB&B 25% off!), especially since Christmas was just here, and the amount of stuff coming in to the house, with no corresponding outgoings, is just overwhelming really (note to self: get Freecycling).

Instead, I’ve lunched on cold Milo and hot buttered toast (of dubious nutritional value, I grant you, but enjoyable nonetheless), and I’m going run off a couple of quick emails which are long overdue, and then… I. Must. Sit. Down. And. Stitch! That UFO-RR piece isn’t going to stitch itself, you know.

Oh, and PS, I am a big liar – I was awake to bring in the New Year after all. One distraction led to another, and before I knew it, Niamh was waking up at bang-on midnight, and I got a lovely baby-snuggle for the first few seconds of 2007. That was definitely not blah-worthy 🙂

No Parties for Us

I am about as tired now as I was exactly four years ago. Then, I was finally trying to catch up on some sleep after a gruelling labour and eventual caesarian section, and a brand spanking new baby Finn was sleeping close by in a hospital bassinet. When the city fireworks went off at midnight (and continued for what seemed an hour :yuk: ), he kept right on sleeping. I think every other newborn on the floor woke up though, and I certainly didn’t sleep much through that ‘excitement’ either!

Tonight, I certainly hope to sleep through any fireworks. I don’t plan on seeing in the New Year, I plan on being in bed very shortly. Finn, too, is finally sleeping, though it took him a good hour after bedtime to fall asleep. I think he was telling his bears all about the excitement of his birthday 🙂

I’m always a little dismayed on his behalf when his birthday rolls around – friends and family are often gallivanting away on summer holidays, or have NYE plans which prevent them from coming to a party. This year, we decided instead of getting upset about it, we would make his birthday into something special by going somewhere new, just the four of us. So off we trundled to Scienceworks, and it was great! Perhaps the only problem was not allowing enough time to see everything. We spent about 3½ hours there, and Finn had an absolute blast. Add to that a new bike and too much sugar (because what would a kid’s birthday be without a garishly decorated cake? Pictures tomorrow!) and you can understand why he was slightly wound up this evening.

So… while the rest of the world is seeing in the New Year, I’ll be busy with my dreams. And hopefully not up more than once to Niamh. However you’ll be spending your night tonight, I hope it’s exactly what you want it to be. Happy New Year! 🙂

I’m Off…

I had been planning to tell you of all our December goings on, but time has simply run out, and we’re off now to begin our three day spin-around-the-state. First it’s off to pick up sushi and join my family for Christmas Eve frivolity (approx 90 minute drive). Then it’s off to OtherHalf’s extended family do tomorrow for lunch (just over an hour’s drive). Back to his Dad’s for recovery/quieter celebrations (30 minute drive). Then on Boxing Day, off to my Dad’s for yet more partying (20 minute drive), then home in the afternoon (90 minute drive) to collapse and begin the recovery.


One year… I’m going to stop doing this.

Anyway, it will be fun. I hope you all have slightly less crazy days ahead. Happy Christmas to all 🙂

Christmas Flickr Tomfoolery

Who’s seen the funny business going on with Flickr? Click through to see Kaitlin again, and you’ll see what I’m talking about 🙂

You too can have a (moveable, resizeable) Santa beard or hat for any of your Flickr photos by adding a note which says ‘ho ho ho beard’ or ‘ho ho ho hat’. Love it!

Um… real post later… maybe.

UFO Round Robin Part II

Here’s the stitching I’ve managed since you last saw me. I put about fifteen hours into Juli’s UFO before sending it on its merry way. Unfortunately, I neglected to get a ‘before’ shot, and Claire’s website seems to have disappeared, so I can’t point you to her picture. You’ll just have to believe me 🙂 I stitched all of the tree (brown) you see here. Just tree. Treetreetreetreetreetree. Bo-oring, lemme tell you, but hey, I didn’t have to pull out too many colours of floss or learn too many symbols, so it was the perfect no-brain stitching for me. Plus, it advances the project (which will eventually look like this), and someone else will thank me that they don’t have to do that slab of tree!


Hi Grandma!


(PS. This photo is a couple of weeks old. Those teeth you can barely make out are much bigger now!)