
Soooo… didja miss me?! Sorry, my August blogging was kind of pathetic, really. For several reasons, not the least of which was a week of nights of two-hourly waking. Being sick really threw Niamh’s sleep out a bit, and also she seemed to go through a huge growth spurt, so she was hungry, hungry, hungry. I’m not sure how I survived that week – I was a bit of a zombie. On one bizarre occasion, I actually lost 2 hours. I could not, for the life of me, remember what happened after I got her out of bed for a 2am feed – next thing I recall is putting her back into bed… at 4am! I wasn’t sure if I’d put her back after the 2am feed, then got her out again for a 4am feed… or if I just fell asleep holding her. I’m thinking probably the latter, which is a little scary!

Things have calmed down a bit since then, but still we haven’t had the sleep-through. Even dropping down to one feed a night would be fine, but at the moment she has one longish (5 or 6 hours) sleep, starting sometime between 7 and 8p.m., then usually feeds at 1-something-a.m. and 4-something-a.m., and is then ‘up’ for morning by 6.30. Ack. And of course, I’m no good at going to bed at 7p.m. – I do actually like to stay up a bit and have ‘a life’ of sorts, (that’s code for ‘stare blankly at the television, or catch up on a blog or five’ – no energy to actually stitch or do anything useful!) So I go to bed by 10… 11… ish, and I don’t get that one long sleep. I know you’re all going to tell me to go to bed earlier – don’t bother, I already know what I should do. It doesn’t work for me. I’ll just have to hold out for her to drop a feed, instead. It’s just desperately difficult to avoid comparing her to Finn, who slept 8 or 9 hours in a hit from 6 weeks old (ok, not every night, but pretty routinely). She’s a different baby from Finn in pretty much every way, and really, I enjoy the fact that she’ll sleep in 2 or 3 hour slots during the day, where he only ever took 45 minute naps. That way, I get to spend time with Finn (when I’m a zombie, I’m not sure that it’s ‘quality’ time, but it’s time with him nevertheless), and recharge a little bit.

But that’s enough baby talk. I’m sure you’re all bored to tears – which, frankly, is another reason I haven’t blogged of late – since babystuff is pretty much all-pervasive in my life right now, I didn’t want to scare everyone off by talking about it all the time! (Which reminds me… hello to all my new(ish) readers 🙂 )

I have no stitching to show you, but I have started Mirabilia’s freebie Bumblebee (and I have some frogging to do, darn it), so hopefully having a small project on the go will spur me on a bit. I also spent some time on Dragonfly Jewels, but I spent so much time mucking about with a minor colour change that I got sick of it (plus, my hands are really dry and icky, so stitching with silks is a bit of challenge at the moment). I had also hoped to do a bit more stitching on my Noah’s Journey, before it sets off on a worldly adventure in the UFO Round Robin I’ve joined, but since I’m marking assignments again this weekend, I’m not sure I’ll get that in.

Anyhow, that’s where I’m at. There’s some other stuff I’ve been trying to form into some kind of coherent blog post/s… if you’re lucky I’ll get to that before October! 🙂


Wheee! Karin sent me this wonderful scissor fob made with her very own lampworked beads. Isn’t this beautiful? 🙂 If you haven’t checked out Karin’s etsy shop, go do it now! Her work is lovely, and I am truly honoured to be a recipient of this gorgeous fob. Lampworking is something I long to try one day… but I’m thinking we’re going to need older kids, a bigger house, and more money before I get around to it!


Speaking of children, and pretty things…
Some of you have hassled me for more photos, so here you go. Despite all my best efforts, Niamh’s (stunning) smile continues to elude the camera. These two shots are about the closest yet.

Hatched at Last

It feels like so long since I’ve had a happy dance just for me. It’s just a wee one, but here it is – my finished You Were Hatched by Teresa Wentzler. Some of you may recall that Niamh ‘claimed’ this design, by deciding to arrive as I was stitching on it in the beginning. But it’s mine, I think. It’s a birth piece for me, not for her 🙂 I have adored this design since I first saw it, so I’m really pleased to have finished it. I have toyed with the idea of making it into a wall hanging, but I’m not sure yet.

In other stitchy news, I have pics to share from the recent Scissor Fob Exchange on the Rotation BB. This first one is the fob I stitched for Allie, who, coincidentally, was my (very generous) Secret Stitcher in the last SS round. I hope to be starting one of the projects she sent me very soon. I can’t for the life of me remember the details of this design – it was a little kit I received from Annette in return for some CSS help I gave her. Those Colonial Knots making up the bee sent me a bit bonkers, but I love the end result.

And this is what I received in the exchange – a gorgeous Sweetheart Tree fob stitched for me by Jenny, plus some fiber-bling in my favourite colours! Thanks Jenny 🙂

Occupation: Blank

This afternoon I (finally) received Niamh’s birth certificate in the mail. I am completely bewildered by why it is necessary to list parents’ occupations on a birth certificate. When I filled out the form, I intentionally left the occupation field blank for myself, because a) I don’t know why they need to know, and b) for some reason I’ve never quite relaxed into the ‘stay-at-home-mother’ label.

Tonight was Census night in Australia. Since completing the census form, I’m left feeling like I come off as a right lazy sod. No, I am not employed. No, not even part-time. No, I am not actively seeking work. No, I do not do volunteer work. Yes, in the last week I did some house and gardening duties, but not “30 hours or more”.

Where are all the questions about how many hours I spent settling a crying baby, or how many hours I spent dressing/undressing/changing uncooperative small children, or how many hours I spent waiting in doctors’ surgeries with sick children, or how many hours I spent getting up during the nights to breastfeed a baby/ reassure a distraught child after he woke from bad dreams, or how many hours I spent inventing fascinating things to do with paste-and-paper, or how many hours I spent making faces out of playdough, or how many hours I spent reading Dr Seuss books? Nowhere, that’s where. I got to tick a box which said “Yes, I spent time caring for my own child” (no, not even children), which surely does not differentiate me from millions of ‘working‘ parents who would also answer ‘yes’ to that question.


Excuse me while I feel like a non-entity for a while.

Maybe I’d feel better if the census had been next week, when I could answer could answer ‘yes’ to the part-time employment question and all of the questions which go along with that (I start marking student assignments this Friday, yeehah). But it still wouldn’t validate the way I currently spend my waking hours. This little blip of paid employment will pass, and I’ll be ‘just’ a stay at home mother again.

I fear I’ll be waiting a long time for the kind of validation I’m missing. And that’s why I’m not quite relaxed about the ‘SAHM’ label.

(By the way, I know I’m doing a valuable and important job, and I know that you know that. I’m not trying to solicit validation from you, merely wondering why Society at large seems to have little respect for stay-at-home parents. It’s simply that I find it challenging to shut out the voice of Society when I think about my ‘job’.)

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to start the night-shift!

Frogging & Friands

How can this be? I actually have time to myself in the middle of the day! Niamh is sleeping (she has unfortunately caught the Cold that begat the Croup, thanks to small-boy-kisses). Finn, who is much, much better, is reading in his bedroom – occasionally calling out to find out what P-R-O-B-E spells, or A-M-A-L-G-A-M! (After the first, I was puzzled, after the second I figured out he was reading ‘Emma goes to the dentist’).

So anyway, I’m frogging. Well, before I was blogging, I was frogging. I decided (after you all said I should 🙂 ) to stick with the ‘Fantasy Blues’ border on ‘You Were Hatched’, but I’m definitely ditching the metallic backstitching it calls for – that just looks right out of place to me, so I’ll just backstitch the border and eyes with dark blue floss instead. Sometime this weekend (I hope), I’ll be posting a happy dance.

When Niamh wakes up, we’re off to buy flour to make playdough. And more friands. Let me tell you about friands. They are the Best. Things. Ever! Even for my baking-challenged self, these are fail proof. They are 100% delicious, if not more. Here’s the recipe I found on the back of my icing sugar packet – we have since experimented with Raspberry friands from another recipe, but I liked these ones the best. I might try lime zest in today’s batch though. Yum.

I’m too lazy to imperialize the measurements – and besides, Metric rulz! :giggle:

Orange Almond Friands
150g butter
100g almond meal
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
1/3 cup plain flour, sifted
5 egg whites
grated rind of 2 oranges

Preheat oven to 200°C. Lightly grease 12 (1/3 cup capacity) muffin pans*.
Melt butter in a small saucepan over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes until very hot. Remove from heat, cool for five minutes.
Combine almond meal, icing mix and flour in a large bowl. Add lightly beaten egg whites and orange rind and mix gently to combine. Stir in melted butter.
Pour mixture evenly into prepared pans so they are two thirds full. Bake 20-25 minutes or until golden and firm to touch.
Serve warm or cold.

*If you want to be a cool kid, you can buy friand pans – café friands are usually oval in shape. But muffin pans work just fine, truly.

Good Mum, Bad Mum

For every problem, there is a solution – blog about it! Since that post, Niamh has of course reverted back to perfect angel :giggle: Actually, I’ve discovered something rather nice – if I let her sleep on me (either in the sling, or just lying on my chest) in the early evening, rather than struggling to get her in bed then, she settles much better into bed later on. And by much better, I mean that I take her into the bedroom by 8.30 or so, give her a little top-up feed, a cuddle, pop her into bed, and turn the music thingy on, and leave the room. She sleeps – it’s like magic! I don’t remember Finn going to bed fuss-free until he was several months old. It won’t continue, of course :giggle:

That’s the Good Mum bit of my story. Sadly, there’s a Bad Mum bit. Confession – I have a crap bedside manner. I am not good with sick people, not even with my own family. Finn has had a persistent cough over the last few days, lingering from a mild cold a week or so ago. I kept him home from preschool today, of course – despite my crapness, I couldn’t in good conscience expose all the other kids to his germiness. But even as I did, I have to admit to feeling somewhat resentful – three hours a week when he’s at preschool is the only break I get, after all.

Um… well… turns out he has Croup 😥

I’m such a bad mother.

Thankfully, my GP is wonderful, and squeezed us in today when Finn became dreadfully distressed by it all. It’s a relatively mild case, he should be okay in a few days.

Almost Hatched


As would be expected, my stitching time is somewhat limited lately. It generally comes down to a toss-up between housework and stitching. Stitching usually wins, of course! But still, I have far less time than I’d like. Lucky I stitch fast 🙂 Unfortunately, I only have backstitching left… and I think housework might be ever so slightly preferable to backstitching!

Magic Moments

Q: what happens when you’re busy extolling the virtues of your second child to anyone who’ll listen?

A: while your back is turned, said child turns unexpectedly into demon spawn.

D’you think it’s because I dressed her in red?

Ok, perhaps that’s a little strong… but seriously, we’ve had some hellish nights of late. Little Miss Sunshine has decided to strenuously resist going to bed in the evening. I think I may develop RSI from all the pat-pat-patting. Alternatively, she goes down easily, but makes up for it later. Take last night – she screamed blue murder between 2.15 and 3.00am, then ‘slept’ noisily and restlessly in bed with me until 4.45am, then woke up, but was too tired to feed properly… cue more screaming. And so on…

Grrr. I can only hope that this is one of those times when an ‘unsettled’ period is followed by a big leap forward… preferably in night-time sleep patterns. It is, however, conceivable that this could be related to teething. I know, it sounds far too early – she’s only eight weeks old. But I cut my first teeth around 2 months, and Finn cut his just before he turned 3 months, so I’m expecting more early teeth (oh joy!)

Anyway, I wrote the following several days ago and didn’t get around to posting it – partly because it was far too saccharine sweet, very unlike me! But I’m posting it now, because I just have to remind myself :blank:

Having a Winter baby is a whole different story from having a Summer baby. In the beginning, I started feeding Niamh in bed with me at night because it was so damn cold, I couldn’t bear to leave the warmth of my snuggly doona. Now, after weeks of broken sleep, I think I’d be incapable of anything else. I’m just too darn tired. Now, she wakes up and cries for me, and I get her out of the cot, into bed with me, and onto a breast, all while I’m just barely awake myself 🙂

After she finishes on one side, she dozes off. I lie her on my tummy, her head just within kissing distance, and watch those delightful little smiles that happen as babies drift into REM sleep. (According to Welsh folklore, newborn babies smile in their sleep when they’ve been kissed by fairies, which I think is terribly sweet).

This is my favourite time. This is the time when Niamh is mine, all mine. I don’t have to share her with anybody, and nobody else is clamouring for my attention. And I know that despite the exhaustion, despite my desperate longing for a full night’s sleep – when it comes, I’m going to miss these midnight cuddles.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to experience another magic moment – apparently dirty nappies don’t change themselves!


I recently removed the ad-killing CSS I use to block ads in Firefox. (Don’t ask why, it’s complicated!) I loathe web advertising, it clutters up everything these days, and I do plan to either switch the CSS back on or install AdBlock shortly. But I’m getting away from my story…

This morning, for the first time ever (I think), I clicked-through! An ad on someone’s blog caught my eye, and I just had to go and check out nerd ABCs for babies. These are just hilarious, I love them!

(Oops, I just gave them more advertising… for free, what’s more)


My absolutely favourite thing about having little babies? Babywearing! Now, I am not an exhibitionist, but I feel like it, wearing my wrap carrier. Despite the proliferation in recent years of Baby Bjorns and similar carriers, not so many people around here have seen the style of carrier I wear.

This is a Hug-a-bub, made here in Australia, but there are now heaps of other makes of wrap carrier around, and I’m planning to make my next one (the red one here is the larger size of Hug-a-bub, and I’ve lost some weight (squee!) since I carried Finn, so I’m planning to make a shorter one in a lovely green and brown – the fabric has been sitting in my living room for several weeks now!)

We started carrying Finn like this when he was only about a week old, because he would not sleep anywhere, not at home, not when we were out, if he was not being carried. He loathed our stroller until he was about 4 months old! This picture was taken when he was about three and a half months. The wrap makes it easy to do pretty much anything as normal – I can stitch, read, eat, drink, do most housework (dishes are a challenge, without a dishwasher), go walking, go (ahem) to the bathroom 😳 , even sleep, if I arrange myself ‘just-so’. Carrying a baby this way is immensely more convenient than getting a humungous stroller in and out of the car and wheeling it around. And they sleep so beautifully in this.

I first went out shopping with Niamh in this when she was 5 days old. She was such a little thing, you can imagine the attention we got that day! People do tend to notice us a lot when we go out in this. But that’s definitely not why I do it. In fact it makes me a little uncomfortable. On two levels – one because as I said, I am not by nature an exhibitionist. I’d prefer people not be looking at me all the time. And two, because some people seem to think they have a right to touch the baby when it’s at their eye level. Like a woman’s pregnant belly, I have found there is little respect for the private space of young babies, and it’s a little confronting for me. I do like it when, as happened the other day in Target, people ask me if they can have a look at her, or touch her head. If people are respectful, I don’t mind it so much. Mostly though, I do my best to look oh-so-busy so I don’t have to stop and talk to every person who does a double-take when they see us, and I just smile when I hear the ‘Awwww’s that follow us around.

I have to tell you, though, about some of the strangest interactions I’ve ever had with people while wearing this. Once I was wearing Finn, and he was soundly sleeping away while we shopped for groceries. An elderly lady saw us, and muttered something under her breath. I ignored her, but it seemed for the next few aisles she was following us around. Eventually, she gathered up the nerve to actually say out loud that I would “smother that baby”! 😮 I admit, the fabric can cover up part of the baby’s head while they’re asleep (to support the head while they don’t yet have a strong neck). But the baby is right there – on my chest – I can feel every breath, hear every little snore or whimper, feel if anything goes wrong. If you think about it, this is the safest place for them to be while sleeping! I can’t recall, but I think I just glared at her and continued on my way.

Another day, I was at the market, and one of the vendors freaked out when she realised I had a live baby in there – for some bizarre reason, she though I was carrying around a doll! Hmmm.

But the absolute strangest of all happened to me a couple of weeks back, with Niamh in the carrier. I was walking into a shopping centre across a car park. A woman to my left gave me a strange look – from a certain angle, you can’t see exactly what’s going on, because you can’t see the baby’s head (and while they’re still tiny, I carry them with the legs in – later, they hang out the bottom like a Baby Bjorn). Anyway, she wandered over, and then realised what I had there, and proceeded to tell me “Oh, it’s a baby… I thought you had a lump there. I thought ‘Oh that poor girl, she’s got a big lump on her chest’…”.

So… not only did she think I had a big lump… she actually felt the need to come and tell me about it?! How strange 😆
I’ll leave you with this picture of Niamh in the carrier – taken yesterday at the Zoo. Please rest assured she is dressed – the camera just over-exposed her pale-green jumpsuit a bit, so she does look a bit nude! The camera also made me look a bit like a dork (that’s my story anyway and I’m sticking to it!)