My Creative Space – In and Out

In: snapped while the kids were waiting for their porridge this morning. Creative Space/ Kitchen Table reality, don’t you love it? I admit to an occasional green-eyed-monster moment when I see other spaces which are actually dedicated Craft Spaces, but my time will come!


I picked up a Pocket Bot kit from Jodie at the Stitches and Craft show (More on the show perhaps tomorrow.) Pieces were cut out during last night’s Masterchef. Hopefully it will be less in pieces later today.

Out: car crafting while Niamh was at her Kinderballet class and Rohan was sleeping in the back.


Trying to make sense of the Blair-Witchiness of DPNs. I am determined to conquer this circular knitting thing and make myself a cute pair of fingerless mitts for winter. Note everpresent iPhone, complete necessity for catching up on crafty blogs whilst out and about :giggle:

Hmmmm. I seem to becoming the just-Creative-Space-nothing-else blog. Must work on that! Meanwhile – see other Creative Spaces today over at Kirsty’s.

My Creative Space

Creative Space Edition May 6 – in which I finally manage to put foot to pedal and make up the cushions for our friends’ playroom!


I had to curse at the (ancient) overlocker for a while (ok, it was silent cursing – I had ‘helpers’ nearby, after all) to make it behave, but in the end it all turned out nicely. I love this fabric – it’s leftover from their playroom curtains – I think it’s maybe from IKEA?


If you’re making up big cushions (these are 60cm square), or anything which requires long zippers, I can heartily recommend this stuff:


Continuous zipper tape, with a bunch of pulls. You just slide all but one out of the way, cut to length, and away you go. Brilliant! (But, uh, don’t be a wally like me and slide the zipper pull off the end. Several times.) I picked mine up from Lincraft, but you can probably find these anywhere. And in standard zipper as well, not just the invisible kind.


These are the cushions we have in our living area. This is another IKEA fabric (but without large areas of white, for heavy duty kid-usage. Will be interesting to see how the white ones go, but at least the covers can be tossed in the washing machine).

Creative-Space-along at Kirsty’s place. Wonder if I’m the last to post today?

My Creative Space – Decisions, Decisions


My creative space today is once again a study in jostling priorities. I have a bad case of can’t-decide-what-to-do-next-itis. The knitting bug is still about, after finishing off a beanie for Rohan at the weekend – I’d like to do something lacy, perhaps this (Ravelry logon necessary for that link)? The dyeing bug is biting once more as well, since a visit yesterday to my local Savers yielded all this crochet cotton, which is just crying out for a colour-makeover; and the crochet bug is also still on the loose, since Mr. Ebay kindly delivered my new crochet hooks, which will hopefully be kinder to the once-broken wrist than my regular hooks have been lately. (I’ll no doubt be satisfying the dyeing and crocheting urges in one hit, since the dyed cotton is destined for more ric-rac)

But what I really really am supposed to be doing, is sewing. The fabric beneath my goodies is leftovers from a friend’s kids’ playroom curtains. I promised weeks ago to turn it into a couple of floor cushions and a new doll-stroller cover. Easy really, I just can’t seem to get myself in the mood to do it. Perhaps the kids will be kind to me and have an early bedtime tonight?

Feel like playing along with your creative space? Head on over to Kirsty’s to leave your link and check out the other great spaces today.

Knitted Thing #2

Apparently it’s not that difficult to knit a hat – who knew?! This weekend, that’s what I did – cast on 80 stitches Saturday, sewed up a hat on Sunday. Brilliant!

The difficult thing, it would appear… is convincing the intended recipient to keep it on his head for more than a second or two! Even when distracted by a delicious ANZAC biscuit (prepared earlier by his big brother).

So with that in mind – here is the front:

…and here it is off!

Here is the back:

…and here it is off again (nearly)!

The End.

My Creative Space – Speaking of Colour

I did say I was itching to get stuck back into the dyes, didn’t I?! Funny how when I get something into my head, the priorities list has a way of rewriting itself! Last night I dyed a few pieces of 100% wool felt. It’s the first time I’ve done this – I’ve been meaning to try it for an age, but was finally spurred on when I saw a) the lovely hand-dyed felt Trudi has been creating, and b) the deliciousness out at Winterwood. Winterwood is where I picked up my base felt – it is so soft and lovely, and it thickens up a bit more in the dyeing process. The trick is getting it not to thicken up too much – I was scared to poke and prod too much once it was wet, and as a result there is a bit more mottling than I was after in two of the pieces. Now I’m a bit more familiar with the process, I’m sure the next time will be a bit easier.

Combined with a little bit of car-crafting from Monday (doesn’t this make a lovely knob-cozy for my stereo?)…

…I think you can tell what I’ll be making more of today 🙂

Visit some more creative spaces via Kirsty.

Oh, and also Speaking of Colour, it has recently been brought to my attention (when I switched to using the family Mac, with it’s whizzbang monitor, instead of my less whizzbang laptop) that on some screens, my blog and all my photographs look a bit… crap! So if you have one of those screens, I’m really sorry. It would appear I’ve been blasting your eyeballs with oversaturated colour for the past however-long-you-have-been-reading 🙁 For what it’s worth, the background felt in the above pictures should be a lovely creamy colour, not the light yellow it appears on my screen currently (of course, the problem could lie with the whizzbang screen I suppose!)

Colours In My Life

Autumn sunshine. Cloth nappies. So nice to be able to get them dry on the line for a little bit longer before the cold and damp set in and we are stuck with clothes horses over heating vents. Not sure how I’m going to manage this winter – I’ll probably be making more than an occasional trip to the laundromat to use the dryers.

The beginning of a new tradition – Games Night: fortnightly, interspersed with Movie Night. This is Carcassonne – one of my new favourites since we gave this to Finn for his birthday.

I hope your weekend is just as colourful 🙂

Bead People are Go

Success! But a little bit funny around the neck where their insides are showing (oo-er!) I shall have to make a whole gang anyway no doubt, since at present there is only one each for the bigger kids, and that is not enough to prevent ‘troubles’. So I’ll improve my technique a bit as I go.

The Steiner/Waldorf blocks (also affectionately known as ‘offcuts’ around here, thanks to Dermot being the son of a joiner!) were from Mum for Rohan’s birthday. They came from Winterwood, we visited for the first time last week. For the record – beautiful shop, beautiful, beautiful felt, but I don’t recommend driving from here to there and back again with a passenger prone to carsickness. Sorry Mum! (She couldn’t even drive us, since my car is a manual and I won’t let her drive it!)

My Creative Space – Bead People


Today I’m making wee folk for my wee folk. Do you want to know how? Trudi posted this great little tutorial a couple of weeks ago as her Creative Space. She also sells kits in her etsy shop, with all the little bits and pieces you need, including some pieces of her hand-dyed felt. The embroidery floss is the only thing not included – I picked these two out of my stash of my own hand-dyed floss. (I’ve been itching to get back to some dyeing, too – so little time, so much to fill it with! But who’d be happy if that was reversed?!)

Have a happy Thursday, whatever you’re making or doing. Check out some more creative spaces over at Kirsty’s.

Now We Are One


Some months back, a small girl, perhaps two, pointed Rohan out as we meandered about the greengrocer, and made much of ‘the baby’. No, said her father, he’s not a baby anymore, he’s growing big, like you. He is so still a baby!, asserted I, clinging desperately to the fading days of Babyhood. My last.

But One brings definite change, doesn’t it? With the coming of One, not even I can deny any more – it’s over. No more baby. We’ve crossed the threshold and run face-first into Toddlerhood. (Rohan does have a tendency to run face-first into most things – hence the bruises, see above).

We had a small family celebration at the weekend. Robot cake was mandatory – our Ro gets “Ro-pop” quite a bit. His big brother and sister both made cards featuring robots. A RicRac discobot was on the cards, but in the end, none of my crafting plans came to fruition, and I decided not to beat myself up about it – he certainly won’t remember that his robot (or his quilt, or whatever else it was on that list…) came late!


Happy Birthday (+ 3), Mr Ro. So glad we made it through this year together intact!

My Creative Space – Beauty and the Beast

In the left corner we have Beauty: crocheted ric-rac, inspired by Kate at Fox’s Lane; quick and easy tutorial found here. Fun, easy, and slightly addictive crocheting. No idea what I’ll be doing with it yet – I did threaten the bemused other half I’d trim a lampshade in it!


And in the right, the Beast: product of an impromptu knitting lesson with Mum yesterday. The change in the seasons has started up the two-needle-itch again, and I want to be ready for something a bit trickier than my one completed knitted thing.

Ugly, isn’t it?! But hey, there’s increasing, decreasing, short rows, a wee bit of lacy stuff, heel stitch, 1×1 rib, and picking up stitches along the edge, all in that little piece of ugly!

(Edited to say I realise that sounds like I meant Ro’s cardigan is ugly. No no, I actually meant the grey thing just up there. The cardi is still gorgeous, but I bet it doesn’t fit anymore)

Also in my creative space today are some little bits of not-allowed-to-show-you and a whole lot of nothing-to-see-here-but-supposed-to-be-finished-by-Sunday. (Because a certain wee someone we know is about to be one, and don’t mention it to me or I might just cry!)

My Creative Space comes to you courtesy of Kirsty!